Raleigh Review is a nonprofit magazine of poetry, short fiction, and art that offers accessible works of experience that are both emotionally and intellectually complex. At Raleigh Review we believe that great literature inspires empathy by allowing us to see the world through the eyes of our neighbors, whether across the street or across the globe. Our mission is to foster the creation and availability of accessible yet provocative contemporary literature through our biannual magazine as well as through workshops, readings, and other community events.


Submissions are open January-March for the Fall issue (closed April-May-June) 

and July-October for the Spring issue (closed November-December).

  • January - March we are open to Short Fiction & Poetry

UPDATE: Short fiction submissions will reopen when we catch up on the reading.

  • July - October we are open to Poetry
  • October 1 - October 31 we are open to Short Fiction
  • December 10 - 25 (or until we reach 100 holiday poetry submissions). Poetry only. This project is for a fee free waiver based on financial hardship. Limited to up to 3 poems. While this category is open to all who cannot swing the small fee, this project is designed to serve those who are based in cash-only international communities in the developing world.  We reserve the right to close this project at anytime. OPEN at Duosuma Dec 10 - 25.


Submissions for our Laux/Millar RR Poetry Book Prize open Jan 1 - June 1, (Even Years).

Poetry book prize is open through most of the year and on Duosuma fee free two months prior to the above dates.

Submissions for our Flash Fiction Prize will be open July 1 - October 31, (Every Year).

Open via Duosuma on June 1  - June 30, every year.

Submissions for our Multi-Genre Geri Digiorno Prize open Jan 1 - June 1, (Odd Years).

Geri DiGiorno Multi-Genre prize open via Duosuma for fee free submissions two months prior to the above dates.

Thanks for your interest in Raleigh Review. We look forward to reading your work.

And if you notice we're closed at Submittable, check Raleigh Review out at Duotrope Digest Duosuma SM for so many other wonderful opportunities. Just FYI, we operate two Submission Managers: one with Duosuma (fee free and tip jar options for prizes and holiday submissions), and one with Submittable for prizes and general submissions. 

When one window is closed, there is usually another window open at the other SM.

  • Send four to five poems in one file.
  • If you think your poems will make a perfect stranger's toes tingle, heart leap, or brain sizzle, then send it our way. We typically do not publish avant garde or language poetry and have a general aversion to unnecessarily exclusive work. We do like a poem that causes--for a wide audience--a visceral reaction to intellectually and emotionally rich material.
  • If accepted, we will also request an audio recording, which is optional but highly encouraged.



JUDGES of the FINALISTS:  Dorianne Laux & Joseph Millar

The contents of each submission can be either:

  • 2 poems and a work of visual art (Possible Cover Inclusion)

  • 2 poems and a work of flash nonfiction (1000 word max on the flash nonfiction)

  • 1 poem and 1 work of visual art and 1 work of flash nonfiction.

-Visual Artists should be prepared with a high-resolution version of their files upon their work's acceptance to the magazine (large dimension PNG set at 300 dpi).

OPEN: January 1, 2025 - June 1st, 2025




The 2026 Laux/Millar RR Poetry Book Prize Guidelines​ ​​Book Prize 


  • We seek unpublished first or second poetry book manuscripts (48-60 pages).
  • The prize winning book will be combined with the Fall magazine issue, running every even year on the same year the prize is selected, all in one binding.
  • STANDARD ENTRY FEE: $15 USD per manuscript.  
  • The Raleigh Review poetry team & publisher will serve as preliminary judges.  
  • The judges of the finalists will be Dorianne Laux & Joseph Millar. 

Our off-season queue is open for most of the year, when the standard prize submission window is closed.


General Flash Fiction Submission

  • 1000 word limit on the flash fiction.
  • 1 work of flash per general submission.
Raleigh Review